Rally Obedience
Rally with Janet Thickbroom
Winner of Rally Dog of the Year 2018 with Stillrockin Zumba. Assistant Crufts Team Manager 2019
Janet’s dog Zumba has had a fabulous Rally career. He has an amazing 22 RL6ex (level 6ex qualifications) – is this a record? He was the Rally Dog of the Year 2018. He represented the Northern Rally team level 6 Crufts 2019. He gained his Rally Warrant in February 2022.
Dasher, her younger dog is now qualified RL6ex. He represented the Northern Rally team level 3 at Crufts in 2018. Both of Janet's dogs also compete and do well in Heelwork to Music and Competitive Obedience.
Wednesdays – 10-4. £45.00
All levels welcome – including new starters – come on let us give you the rally bug!
2024 Jan 10, Feb 7, March 20, April 10, May 8, June 5, July 10, July 7 August 7, Sept 4, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 4.
Contact Janet for availability - thickbroomjanet@gmail.com
KC Official Rally Rules & Regs
Date to be arranged
KC Official Rally rules and Regs with KC Approved trainer.
Ideal for all competitors, judges, stewards, and anyone wanting to know more about Rally. Tea/coffee provided, bring a packed lunch.
Rally Workshop with Julie Barratt 2023
2024 16 and 17 September
2 DAYS 9.30-4.00 £100 for the 2 days or £55 per day. Spectators £30.00 per day
Covering all levels – signs, techniques, interpretation, what the judge is looking for, and more. A great in-depth course on Rally from a lady steeped in the sport.
Responsible largely for its inception in the UK and a KC committee member - Julie knows all there is to know about this expanding and accessible dog sport.
Tea and coffee are provided - bring a packed lunch. Camping is available on site.